Save a Child's Life
Since the foundation of the association Save a Child's Life Switzerland on July 2, 1997 (managed by Sharing Hands), donations from Switzerland have been helping thousands of needy children and their families in the 3 Brazilian states Pernambuco, Paraíba and Alagoas directly.
In northeastern Brazil, the gap between rich and poor is particularly wide. Alone in Recife, the capital of Pernambuco, more than 53% of the population live in areas with little or no urban infrastructure. Suffering and misery in slums, the so-called favelas, are the consequences. Everything is lacking. Without external support, there is often a risk of a complete lack of prospects.
The German association Rette ein Kinderleben e.V. has been successfully saving children's lives in this region since 1983. Sharing Hands has been actively supporting since 1997. Children and their families are welcomed in 15 children's homes, bases and contact points. They are cared for by experienced staff, all of whom were previously beneficiaries of the Save a Child's Life project.

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