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Since the 2015 earthquake, Sharing Hands has been supporting the primary schools  together with the regional mountain population, Hill Shine Academy and Shree Tashi Chimay Gatsal Goumba  in the oldest

Buddhist women's monastery in Bigu in Nepal, so that the children of the mountain population can also go to school. 

Founded as Save a child's life Switzerland, Sharing Hands supports Rette ein Kinderleben eV since 1997. An effective concept to reduce poverty and suffering in the slums of the cities in the northeast of Brazil.

In centers, children and their families are provided with the essentials for life.

Since 2017, Sharing Hands has been supporting One Happy Family in 

One Happy Family offers people on the run security and protection. In Athens, One Happy Family runs the Victoria Community Center. The project is supported by donations from around the world and benefits people who have lost their homes through flight.

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